Showcase: EAM at KMH

Showcase: Electroacoustic Music from the Royal College of

Music in Stockholm

We’re happy to present the The Royal College of Music in Stockholm (KMH) Showcase, EAM at KMH. At the showcase, that takes place in Mimerlaven on the festival Friday, a delegation of students and teachers from the electroacoustic composition department at KMH presents a varied program comprised of new music, performed with novel systems

and instruments. Expect everything from multichannell pieces, timbral drone music, and home-built instruments.


Hillevi Duus

Jon Nensén

Vera V Almgren

Leo Bodén

Jóhann Vignir Vilbergsson

Simon Hansson

Louisa Palmi Danielsson

Johan Lundberg

Ludvig Elblaus

Henrik Frisk

Kim Hedås and Monica Åslund Forsén (dance)

Mattias Petersson

More info:

Showcase: EAM at KMH